Virtual Telehealth Appointments

Individual Appointments:

30 minutes to 90 minutes (45 minutes is standard)

Group Sessions:

30 minutes to 90 minutes

Our Services

Perfectionism and Control

The environment we live in often reinforces achievement and success to the point that we end up out of balance in life or feeling frazzled with our schedules, ourselves or others. Balance and flexibility become our desires, but we do not know where to start. Seeing a specialist here will help you with the support you need to get started toward your goals.

Relationship with Food and Body

We would love to help you explore a relationship with your self or your body that may be manifesting itself through issues with food ranging from anorexia and ARFID to bulimia and binge eating disorder. Or maybe you are someone who consistently turns down social invitations because you feel worried about how you look. We can help.


Shame. Secrets. Anxiety. Loneliness. Maybe some of these things resonate with you and it has been difficult to find someone safe to process what has gone on in your life. Through shame resiliency, trauma focused CBT or EMDR, our specialists can provide the safety and comfort you need to consider exploring this area of your life.