Meredith Riddick Meredith Riddick

Parents, Teens, and Emotion Coaching

Counseling can help to bridge this gap and help a parent or caregiver find that healthy middle ground as well as provide enough structure and expectations with the loved one that is grounded in validation and understanding.

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Meredith Riddick Meredith Riddick

Orthorexia - When Desire for a Healthy Lifestyle Becomes an Unhealthy Obsession

You may have heard the term “orthorexia” as it relates to eating disorder.  While not a formal diagnosis, it’s a way to differentiate one restrictive/avoidance type of eating disorder from another.  We want to help tease this out because we are currently living in a culture that elevates a healthy lifestyle sometimes to the point of this becoming an unhealthy obsession.

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Meredith Riddick Meredith Riddick

Feeling Safe in Stillness

Chaos is everywhere.  And at the same time, so is stillness.  A stillness we’re not used to.  And when our brain senses something we’re not used to, we don’t feel safe.  Ironically, it’s how our brain keeps us safe. But right now, it feels like chaos.  And it doesn’t have to be that way.

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Meredith Riddick Meredith Riddick

Meditation Made Easy

Ever cringe when you hear the word meditate?  In the beginning, I think it was because it felt a little “froo froo” to me.  A little out there…like, you want me to do whaaaat? You know what I’m saying?  And then I began to see the research and started to buy into the concept quite a bit more,  So I did. Then I discovered it’s really hard. Then I discovered that’s a judgment and not really part of a meditative practice. 

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